As if being the top google site for "Savage Monkeys" wasn't enough, MSN has jumped on the bandwagon and proclaimed my not so humble blog as tops for "Waxing Eggs". I expect Microsoft is just jockeying for market share, but they're gonna have to come up with the big bucks just like everyone else.
Click here to see for yourself:
Products for everyday care of mutant genitalia.
Grimjack, jump back. Look, what'd he say? He said, "I ain't seen nuthin. I ain't seen nuthin today." R.
A long past epifane: Using "ph" for the "f" sound, "i" to spel "e", and "c" to spell "s" is just evul. fonetiks is good. It's not bad spelling!!! It's a fiet against evul! Simeans uniet!
anoymous, you foolish fop, conventions are the center of our ability to communicate, and communication is at the center of western society. Your dastardly plot to destroy the world as we know it with logical, unconventional rules will fail! I will see your body crumble, and your ashes scattered in the wind!!! Historically bad spelling must persist!
anonymous to anonymous: get a grip. It is spelling, for gosh sakes!
spell this!
Are you psychic? I didn't even finish my post before you responded! This is too weird. I'm out of here.
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