So, how was your summer?
Good. Mine was good too. Moved into the new office. Went to the beach. Harvested the crops. Got a Hybrid (avg 48 mpg without ac, 45 with). Saw Paul Thorn in Charlotte. Grilled foodstuffs. A friend loaned me the Firefly DVD set. Hawsome. If TV was that good more often, I'd watch it.
Why did I not blog for five months? Mostly because I don't have it together enough to keep a camera with me for those all important illustrations. I've been too busy/lame to hack my cell phone so I can get MY pictures off of MY phone without paying extra for THEIR BS data service. It's not the money that bothers me, it's the principle that I own the content that I create, and I own the phone that I created with it. I didn't buy a license to use their phone to take pictures that they can sell back to me. I bought the damn phone. It's mine. Period.
So until I violate some firmware you'll just have to close your eyes and imagine a pleasing juxtaposition of items from my odd, but mostly benign existence. Or check out the spiffy NANOWRIMO icon, as I'm giving it another shot this year. Be patient if you click it for their servers walk not the path of the Jedi.