Monday, May 29, 2006

I'm Comin' 'Lizabeth!

It started out fine. Backwards, but fine. My pride and joy was taking it's first steps across the living room rug. No Poppa was ever more proud. Until the back legs started rotating further to the side with each step, until they were swiveled ninety degrees from their starting orientation and the geometry couldn't take it anymore. Then it plopped over looking for all the world like a dying cockroach, legs frantically flailing about. Panic ensued. Somebody shot out the lights. Tactical operatives from the HomeOwner's Association crashed through the windows.

God awful mess; you should see my shoes...

Liiiife! I've created liiiiiiiife!!!

Well, if you define "life" as something that can walk. Kind of. At least backwards. Until it falls over and tries to shred itself. Who said eviloution was easy?

Periodic reminder: If you click most of the pictures, you can see a larger version.

Friday, May 26, 2006

What Brown has done for me

We're hoping for lots of tomatoes, lots of banana peppers, both hot and mild, and lots of watermelon. We already have lots of carrots, basil, and the oregano has gone, in teh vernacular, "hawg wild". Bartholomeu the Toad still reigns in the flower bed, often stationing himself under the marigolds.

Gardening is like sales, if you have to lay it on, lay it on thick.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

20 more reasons to head for the Hill

11) Desserts at NC Museum of Art cafe - Raleigh
12) NC Zoo - Asheboro
13) Woody Durham on the Radio instead of the internet
14) The Chapel Hill Public Library
15) Cerebral Hobbies game store
16) The Crab Cakes at Capt. John's
17) Living 3 Blocks from the Kindergarden, Elementary and Middle School
18) Visart Video
19) The Caio Bella at Amante Gourmet Pizza
20) Tracy, our Reliable Babysitter
21) I get to go to my Dentist again
22) The Ali Cat Toy Store has Tinker Toys
23) Spring
24) Fall
25) The Backyard Deck
26) Egg Rolls and Kung Pao Chicken at Hunam before Carolina games
27) Good Book Stores
28) Good Used Book Stores
29) The skylight in our kitchen
30) UNC Basketball (Roy's Boys will rawk!)

I made a culinary discovery of Epic Proportions the other day. Jerk Pork Burritos. I prepared Jerk Pork per The Barbeque! Bible by Steven Raichlin and of course we froze the leftovers. Later that week, an inspired coup saved me a trip to Bruno's. We had tortillas. We had rice. We had cheese. We had beans. Well fine, we could have regular burritos, or we could just go HOG WILD and eat JERK PORK BURRITOS!!! They were really, really good. Didn't even need salsa. heh.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

What can Brown do for you?

I have a new favorite gas: Nitrogen. It's the most plentiful element in the atmosphere (it blows oxygen away, 75.523% to 23.133%), they put it in potato chip bags to maintain freshness, and when bound up with other chemicals in solid form (as by cows eating grass and doing other things cows do), it makes the garden grow. Nice and green and leafy. When the blooms come in we'll be switching our emphasis to Phosphorous and Potassium, but for now hit me with the big "N".